Boston Pride

Boston Pride 2024: evenemang, parad och hotell

Boston Pride 2024: events, parade and hotels

8 juni 2024


olika lokaler Boston, Massachusetts, USA, boston, USA

Boston Pride 2024 is hosted by the volunteers at Boston Pride for the People. Around 750,000 people will attend.

The 2024 Pride Parade and Festivals will take place on June 8, spanning Boston Common and City Hall Plaza. This marks the second consecutive year the volunteer-led group will oversee these events. It's the biggest pride event in New England. The parade will commence at Copley Square, proceed through the South End, and conclude at Boston Common.

Boston Pride also includes two festivals catering to all ages and a 21-plus crowd at City Hall Plaza. The organization aims to increase inclusivity and invites more community groups to participate. Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are available through the event's website.

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